Monday, October 9, 2006

Wind-Up Records Runs T-Shirt Contest for Seether in Second Life

Wind-up Records (the label that produces Evanescence, I was glad to find out) and Millions of Us are running an in-world promo for the label's band Seether. From the press release: "Members of the Second Life community can visit the Seether venue where they can submit virtual t-shirt designs. The band will select the winning design, print real versions of the t-shirt and make them available in their official band merchandise store for fans in the real world to enjoy. All members of Second Life who travel to the virtual Seether venue will get a special coupon code for the band’s merchandise store and all contest entrants will also receive a virtual Seether poster and tattoo in Second Life."

You don't actually have to be an "entrant" to get the poster. Just click on one of the signs. Anyway, one other interesting bit from the press release: "Seether are no strangers to supporting initiatives for their online fans with appearances on Xbox Live’s Game With Fame as well as a recent promotion made available to PSP users. Performances from the One Cold Night release and some of the band’s music videos were made available to PSP users via a unique network of gaming enthusiast websites created for gaming and music fans alike."

I have two postcards from the Millions of Us sim with the Seether build, but Blogger is not in the mood to display them, so I'm temporarily leaching the file from Reuben's blog.


  1. You've really fallen out of the loop. Settle into the new gig already, will ya?

  2. I was cleaning out my email inbox when I found this. I'm not claiming to be a breaking news service, after all :)

  3. You may not be a "breaking news service", but you function as one to me at least. Now get on the stick already! What are you doing? Working???

  4. very nice blog!
    Would it make fun for you, to make money in the Internet?
    more information
    see the GDI video
